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Today's generation of Federal Employees are experiencing a confluence of factors that are forcing them to re-adjust their financial beliefs and expectations.  A realization that retirement pensions will need to be supplemented with other sources of income; the uncertainties of social security, the rising cost of health care, inflation, market fluctuations, higher taxes and longevity, are just a few factors that are forcing the next generation of employees and future retirees to look for different solutions concerning the future. 


It's plain and simple... "We are living longer". Running out of money or outliving your money in retirement can be a financial nightmare. What will you do? Who can you count on and for how long? First...You need to get a plan. A great tool is a Federal Benefit Analysis. 

This vital tool can help you understand, analyze and evaluate your federal benefits and current financial picture. By making the necessary changes or adjustments  concerning your federal benefits and financial picture, these changes could help overcome the challenges and financial burdens one faces in retirement.





FESC offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep industry knowledge necessary to help you plan and solve the most complex issues concerning retirement. We are proud to say that each year we have a bigger list of returning and new clients. Want to experience the expertise of FESC for yourself? Give us a call today and let’s discuss what we can do for you.

Customized Virtual Workshops



Understanding the TSP 

Understanding FEGLI

Social Security




Retirement Seminars cover the following:


Computation of Retirement Annuity


Deposits and Re-Deposits

Early Retirement

Deferred Retirement

Phased Retirement

Survivor Benefit Options and Cost

Re-Employment Annuitants

Disability Retirement


TSP Fundamentals

TSP Strategies

TSP Loans and Withdrawals

Flex Accounts


Long Term Care




Additional Topics For Virtual Workshops!


LEO / Special Groups TSP new Rulings

Understanding Long Term Care

Medicare Basics

Social Security Strategy

Basic Financial Planning

Retirement Road Blocks and Mistakes

Income Allocation Strategy

Retirement Income Sources

Life Insurance Strategy

How to Reduce or Eliminate Taxation

How to Determine your Needs & Expenses for Retirement

Creating a Tax Free Income Program











Available Upon Request


One -on - One Virtual consultation

Federal Benefit Analysis

Summary of Benefits

Retirement Income Strategies

Life Insurance Needs




Request a Virtual-Work Shop!

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FESC is not associated with or endorsed by any Federal or Government agencies. This site is strictly for educational  and training purposes. It is not considered legal or financial advice. We encourage you to seek out information on your own and make sure that it fits your needs.

​                FESC 


  Servicing All 50 States





Direct Line: 281.886.7598

Fax: 281.886.7598         

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Federal Employee Service Center  Copyright ©  2015

FESC Inc. 
The site content may not be copied, reproduced or redistributed without prior written permission from the FESC Inc. or it's affiliates.

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